Our Psychology Services

As humans we feel a wide variety of emotions. Sometimes all in one day. There’s nothing wrong with feeling depressed or anxious sometimes. These emotions can motivate us to make a change, give extra effort, find another solution, or appreciate the good times. However, when those emotions become more present in our day to day lives they can shift our lives out of balance. That’s where therapy can assist with realigning yourself to your morals and values; thereby increasing your feelings of living your life in a more authentic way.

At Alison Bausse Psychology we aim to walk with you as you identify the triggers for those imbalances and help you develop tools and strategies to work through them. Through exploration we begin the process of change and then celebrate your success with you!

Our Services Include


One in seven people experience anxiety in Australia every day. Anxiety can vary in intensity and can at times feel overwhelming. We can help with reducing your anxiety by reframing negative thinking patterns and developing healthy lifestyle habits such as exercise and meditation, which are evidence based interventions in managing ongoing anxiety. Strategies are developed with you so that you are able to adapt them into your daily life.


Like anxiety, one in seven people will experience depression over the course of their lifetime. For anyone experiencing depression it can often feel like an isolating experience. An experience where you don’t know where to turn. We are here to help you work through this and to find effective coping strategies while developing positive goals that will help restore more balance to your life.


Up to 75% of Australians will experience a traumatic event during their lifetime. Trauma is a devastating and often life changing experience for those affected and it can feel impossible to separate from. Having someone to validate that experience and help you find a way forward is what we aim to provide. We help you develop a sense of safety and create an environment to allow you to work towards creating a future that you can feel positive about.

Workplace Injury

Experiencing a psychological workplace injury can be a highly distressing experience which can often be occurring for a considerable amount of time before most people present for treatment. With our expertise in treating psychological workplace injuries we are here to help you navigate an often disempowering process and help you on the road to wellness by returning a sense of control to your life.


We often feel that our relationships should give us a happy ending but can be rudely shocked to discover that they actually take work and effort to maintain. If you need help with navigating the dating world, improving communication within your relationships, or needing some guidance with working through difficult periods in your marriage then we can assist by working with you either individually or as a couple.

Stress Management

Stress is something most of us accept as a given in today’s world but it doesn’t mean that it has to run your life! We can help you to develop strategies that reduce your stress and increase your wellbeing allowing you to feel like there is more balance in your life, today, and moving forward. Sometimes it’s the simple strategies like exercise, eating right and listening to your body that help to turn stress on its head.

Anger Management

Anger is a natural human emotion. While unpleasant, anger can make us stand up for what we believe in and find a voice. Sometimes anger impacts on us in a negative way and it can damage or destroy our relationships and hurt the ones we love. If you feel like anger is a controlling emotion in your life we can work with you on identifying its triggers and help you develop strategies to find a balance and improve the relationships in your life.


ADHD can be a devastating diagnosis whether you are a parent of a child with ADHD or as an adult yourself. It can be confusing and treatment options can feel overwhelming. We can help with navigating what treatments are available to you or coach you through parenting techniques if you are looking to have more calm in your household. If you are an adult with ADHD we can discuss strategies that can help make life feel more in control and less disorganized.


Whether you are looking to make a career change or feel like you are not reaching your full potential at work we can assist you with coaching. This can involve goal setting, prioritizing, and working with you to light that fire and make you feel like you are achieving your full potential. Wouldn’t it be great to be following a career path that makes you excited to get out of bed each day!